Registered office

Vittorio Veneto Avenue, 186

96014 Floridia (SR) Italy

Produced and packaged by Nikkolor Italia srl

in the factories of the industrial area of Palazzolo Acreide (SR) Italy.


The training Master is a technical study with practical demonstration, dedicated to the world of medium and high thickness decorative coatings for internal and external environments.

The training Master is aimed only at professionals with experience in the construction and decoration sector, our mission is to transmit to the installer the main learning techniques and the characteristics of the system divided by area of use.

At the end of the training Master, a certificate of participation in the event will be issued.

Training is something we do well!

​73% of those who participate in the Master start working.


Book your place

By filling out the following form, you will be contacted as soon as possible, thank you.

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